Birds Word: Winter Formal

What are your plans for winter formal?


“We are going to the Oread and eating dinner. Then, taking pictures there and going to formal.” – freshman Chloe Holland


“I’m not going to Winter Formal. I’ll be Indianapolis, hanging out with friends.” – freshman Nicholas Howard


“I’m going to dinner, and I’m going to meet friends. Then, I’m going to formal, and after formal I’m going over to my friend’s house.” – sophomore Alena Johnson


“I think we are going to Pachamamas. I don’t really know. Most of the people in my group know.” – sophomore Owen Kapfer


“We are taking pictures at the Eldridge, going to eat at Kobe with a group of juniors and seniors, and then I think there is a party at the cave or a party bus.” – junior Mckenzie Goodack


“I’m going to probably go downtown and get some dinner, and go take pictures, and go to formal, I guess.” – junior Devin Kirby


“Actually, I’m working that night, so we’ll see. I’m working at six, and then whenever I get off we might go. I have no idea.” – senior Lily Allen


“I think I’m just gonna go to the Eldridge to take pictures at seven, and then I’m gonna go to 715, the restaurant, to eat. Then we’re gonna go to the dance for about an hour, and then to whatever after party there is this year.” – senior Sean Chilcoat