Personality test

Extrovert or Introvert:

1. When you get free time, you tend to:
A) Figure out what all your friends are doing
B) Spend it alone

2. Your friend invites you to a party many people in school will be attending. What do you do?
A) Go to the party
B) Suggest an alternative with less people

3. Your parents give you 50 dollars and tell you to spend it how you wish. Which would you rather buy?
A) A ticket to a huge concert
B) Books—Lots of books

4. Human interaction or Netflix?
A) Human Interaction
B) Netflix

5. After spending time with friends, you feel:
A) Energetic
B) Exhausted

If you selected mostly A’s, then you may tend to be more extroverted. If you selected mostly B’s, then you may tend to be more introverted.

Extroverts tend to prefer large groups of people. They enjoy being part of a crowd or the center of attention.

Introverts usually prefer getting to know only a few people very well. They stay out of the spotlight and enjoy being alone.

Sensing or Intuition:

1. When you read a story, you can:
A) Only follow the plot
B) Determine the deeper meaning of the text

2. When analyzing events, you tend to focus on:
A) The specifics
B) The main idea

3. When there is a problem, you:
A) Use the facts to determine a solution
B) Create several ideas until you find one that may work

4. When learning new content in class, you:
A) Only care about the content that will apply to you later in life
B) Enjoy learning about new concepts, no matter how abstract they seem

5. When thinking about a past event, you can:
A) Visualize exactly what happened
B) Remember the highlights

If you selected mostly A’s, you may tend to rely on your senses. If you selected mostly B’s, you may tend to focus more on deeper meanings.

People who prefer sensing over intuition tend to focus on the reality of situations. They care more about facts than concepts.

People who prefer intuition over sensing tend to focus on ideas and theories. They care more about understanding the significance of events than the specifics.
Thinking or Feeling:

1. Your significant other is wearing something that you don’t like. They ask you what you think. What do you do?
A) Tell them that it looks bad on them
B) Tell them that it looks fine

2. When working on a group project, you:
A) Make sure the project is done correctly, even if that means doing it yourself
B) Make sure everyone is allowed to contribute something to the project

3. Your parents tell you you can get a puppy, you respond by:
A) Formulating a list of pros and cons, then deciding whether the puppy is worth it
B) Happily accepting the puppy because you want something to cuddle

4. Two of your friends are arguing over something. You:
A) Join sides with the friend you agree more with on the topic
B) Try to resolve the issue between both of them without one side or the other “winning”

5. Someone cuts you off in traffic, you:
A) Honk your horn
B) Let them off the hook; they may be in a hurry

If you selected mostly A’s, you may follow reason and logic when dealing with situations. If you selected mostly B’s, you may allow your feelings to determine how you handle situations.

People who think things through rather than acting on their feelings analyze situations. They value truth regardless of the situation.

People who use their feelings to determine how to handle a situation are usually compassionate and want to please people. They try to figure out what other people value and appeal to those things.

Judging or Perceiving:

1. When hanging out with friends you tend to:
A) Want a plan prior to hanging out
B) Go with the flow

2. If you have homework you:
A) Get it done before doing anything else
B) Try to find a way to make it more fun: i.e. listening to music or watching TV

3. Do you use your planner?
A) Yes
B) No

4. When do you study for a test?
A) I study well in advance, so that I am thoroughly prepared on test day
B) I study the night before; cramming for life

5. Typically, your room is:
A) Neat and tidy
B) A mess

If you selected mostly A’s, you may prefer a more organized life style. If you selected mostly B’s, you may be a more laid-back person.

People who judge most scenarios tend to be more organized. They like it when plans are made in advance and things don’t get out of control.

People who are more perceptive tend to be more willing to adapt to the situation. They don’t mind when there isn’t a plan in place.

This quiz was adapted from the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator, a test that uses the theory of psychological types described by C.G. Jung as a basis of sorting people into 16 personality types. Jung asserts that “much seemingly random variation in behavior is actually quite orderly and consistent, being due to basic differences in the ways individuals prefer to use their perception and judgment.”