Turning a New Page

Marisa Hegeman is welcomed as the newest librarian.

This year the library staff has gained a new face: Marisa Hegeman, a librarian and media specialist. 

Previously, Hegeman was staffed at Cordley Elementary School as the school librarian.  She also taught art at Sunset Hill Elementary School. 

Hegeman has worked at many different schools throughout the years and was ready to have her job as a high school librarian as her homebase. 

“I thought I really enjoyed working with teenagers, and talking to them, so maybe I’m ready for a shift from elementary,” Hegeman said in reference to having a 14-year-old. 

“I enjoy the difference of maturity level from high school and the elementary level,” Hegeman said. 

Many thought her transition from being an art teacher to a librarian seemed “bizarre.”

But Hegeman said she “likes the idea of following what you’re curious about, and being able to generate your own ideas,” and felt she could do more of that as a librarian. This led her down her path as a librarian, alongside the fact that she has “always been a reader.”

This year Hegeman wants the library to be busy, but productive, “and really help kids pursue their interests, or get their homework help.” She feels that she can help students at all of the right moments and has more time to support students in general.   

Hegeman hopes students will be able to develop good study habits as the year goes on and, as more work is assigned, take advantage of the library. 

Current librarian Chris Everett, who has been working at the library for 16 years, expresses that the shift from last year to this year was intense: “Last year was kind of calm because there weren’t a whole lot of students. So this year is a little bit more stressful for me.”

Everett expresses that she’s “really glad” Hegeman is in the library this year to work through this stressful year together. 

The previous librarian, Leslie Campbell, also taught elementary for many years. Principal Myron Graber expressed his liking for what past elementary school teachers bring to the table.

“I like the experience [former elementary teachers] have and what they can bring in on this level.” Graber said. “[Campbell] did a great job. I really like Hegeman’s energy and enthusiasm.”

Hegeman plans to spend this first year figuring out the flow of the new schedule, learning as she goes, and being there for students as needed and making the library a positive learning environment for everyone.